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2023 Anaheim One Supercross | Race Highlights & Results


INSTAGRAM | @swapmotolive
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INSTAGRAM | @onealracing

The 2023 Monster Energy Supercross Championship kicked off with an exciting night at its Southern California home in Angels Stadium. Riders in the 250 West Coast Region and 450 Class had to contend with each other and a challenging track through the night, with some saying it was the toughest A1 in recent memory. 

Donn Maeda

Donn Maeda is a 30-year veteran in moto-journalism, having worked at Cycle News and Dirt Rider before launching MXracer Magazine and TransWorld Motocross Magazine. Maeda is the Editor-In-Chief at Swapmoto Live and you can catch him on a dirt bike or in the saddle of a mountain bike on most days.

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