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Round #2 Eldorado Series by AMSOIL Info


We wanted to send out an update regarding the next round of the Swapmoto Race Series happening at Perris Raceway on January 24th.  As we have been recommending for a couple months now getting your own transponder has many benefits.  MyLaps is the manufacture for transponders used by just about every motocross race event in the nation so your purchase will be used pretty much anywhere you race.  MyLaps has even offered up a discount code to our racers to save 20% at checkout.  “socal2020” gets you a transponder for two years at just $115.99 plus tax and shipping.  Having your own transponder means no waiting in line the day of the race because you enter the transponder info when you pre register.  If everyone did this it would also get the race schedule posted sooner.  Visit THE MYLAPS SITE HERE to order yours today and never wait in line again.  If you look at the app it says you will be able to see live timing there however we do not use Speedhive for scoring because their other program Trackside is more suited for motocross.  

Overnight parking will be available at Perris Raceway starting Saturday only for $20.  Space will be coordinated by parking staff and it does have to be organized so that we can make the most out of the space.  There are no hookups or water fill stations.  We will be following standard COVID Protocol keeping RV’s 10′ apart and asking all non family members to wear a mask when you cannot maintain 6′ of social distancing.  PLEASE WEAR A MASK AT REGISTRATION FOR THE SAFETY OF OUR STAFF.  We have also secured some extra parking for this weekend and we will have access to the flat track parking which was not available at the last race held at Perris Raceway.

Overflow parking in aqua color.  Old track layout pictured

Pre registration is key for many reasons.  Number one you save $5 per class so make sure to VISIT THE PRE REG PAGE HERE to get signed up early!  You get a better gate pick for moto one as well.  If everyone pre registered we could release the race schedule on Saturday!  Just like other large national events that require pre registration it just makes the whole program smoother so we can focus on other items during the race day.  Pre registration is open until the Friday at 8pm before the weekend of the race.  6D Helmets has also offered a package of casual wear to one lucky winner that will be drawn at random from the list of pre registered racers.

For those of you who left Round 1 before collecting your trophies please come by the registration truck on Saturday to pick those up.  We just need to get all the pieces together at the next race to make corrections for the series points.  We have hard copies and all will be updated at the Perris round.

Thank you to everyone who came out at Round 1 and we look forward to seeing you at the next race.  We have exciting news coming regarding contingencies and extra events within the race weekend.  Thank you to all our sponsors for supporting our racers!  Make sure to stop by and see them during the race weekend as many offer special in person discounts.  

The Swapmoto Race Series is brought to you by:

AMSOIL, THOR, Throttle Syndicate, ASV, EKS, Action Sports Canopies, ODI, 6D Helmets, Irenic CBD, Yamaha, Renegade Fuels, Flowvision, Stux



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