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Checking in with Cole Seely


Checking in with Cole Seely

Presented by Dunlop

By chance, we bumped into Cole Seely this afternoon after he finished breaking in his Honda CR250R two-stroke in preparation for this weekend’s Red Bull Straight Rhythm at the Pomona Fairplex. Wondering why Seely’s bike is all black and sporting number 101? Click play to find out more about his super cool machine that boasts some very trick parts that were both acquired through his relationship with Honda, and also through eBay!

Donn Maeda

Donn Maeda is a 30-year veteran in moto-journalism, having worked at Cycle News and Dirt Rider before launching MXracer Magazine and TransWorld Motocross Magazine. Maeda is the Editor-In-Chief at Swapmoto Live and you can catch him on a dirt bike or in the saddle of a mountain bike on most days.

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