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Moto Tips | Rolling Up A Hill


INSTAGRAM | @firepowerparts


Be in a gear that’ll get you through the section. Shifting up while in between humps is okay, sometimes encouraged, but a botched shift can bog the bike down and set off a chain reaction of problems. Lessen the chance of a mistake by getting a gear that will keep the engine in the mid to top of its power.

Center your ankles-knees-shoulders, set your hips and lower back into a slight squat, and squeeze the bike. This will the bike stay straight as you go up and over while giving the front-end enough lift to get over the bumps. Dipping the front-end will compress the forks and can knock the bike off balance.

Look ahead and pick a line. Rollers are not a spot for last-second direction changes, so find your preferred path early and stick to it.

Donn Maeda

Donn Maeda is a 30-year veteran in moto-journalism, having worked at Cycle News and Dirt Rider before launching MXracer Magazine and TransWorld Motocross Magazine. Maeda is the Editor-In-Chief at Swapmoto Live and you can catch him on a dirt bike or in the saddle of a mountain bike on most days.

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