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Tuesdays at Pala ft. Levi Kitchen


As the 2021 Supercross season approaches it’s half-way point, the outdoors are just a few months away from kicking off. With the outdoors in the near future and East Coast SX racers now on their 10-week break from racing, Tuesdays at Pala are starting to have some bigger names filter through the gates. If you’re unfamiliar with the significance of Pala on a Tuesday, here’s what you need to know; the local tracks in Southern California each have a day in the week where the top racers come out for testing before and during the outdoor season. These day’s are often referred to as the infamous stop-watch nationals. Can you guess what day riders head to Pala(Fox Raceway)? Tuesday, that’s right!

Now that you’re caught up, we ventured out to Fox Raceway on Tuesday to see what riders were on-hand. Even though we may have been a couple weeks early, a few factory 250cc riders were already logging outdoor laps. However, newly signed Monster Energy/Star Racing/Yamaha rider Levi Kitchen also made an appearance. We mic’d up Levi before his motos for an interview that you’ll see in the coming days, before heading on-track to film some clips of the Star Racing rider. While talking to Levi, he mentioned how he’s still pretty new to the SoCal moto scene, including Tuesdays at Pala, as he hails from the Pacific North West and hasn’t spent much time riding in California. It’s safe to say Levi will be a regular at the stop watch nationals in the coming months and this won’t be the last time you see him on the other side of our lens, but for now, enjoy this edit of the upcoming super star.

Chase Curtis

Chase Curtis is an avid motocross and MTB rider, and he is the SML Video Editor. Completely self-taught, Chase is one of the best video editors in the sport and one of our biggest assets.

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